There are companies whose specifics require specific actions for non-standard situations with high intensity. Some call them crisis management teams, others refer to them as business continuity (BC) teams, and some call them emergency response teams. The names vary, but the goal is the same – to organize the necessary processes in complex and high-intensity short-term situations, such as:
Each company has specific, unique, and different situations. There are no two identical situations and solutions. Such cases require, at a minimum, documentation with recommended content, which includes at least operational guidelines, specific team compositions, situation analysis, and more. In most cases, the main documentation is supplemented with operational instructions in the appendices.
The main thing to understand... These are not standard situations that staff encounter daily. They are high-intensity circumstances with strong psychological pressure, much higher stakes in the decision-making process, and often the balance of decisions is not 70/30 or 60/40, but even reaches a 49.9/51.1 level, which only intensifies the tension and the diversity of opinions with rapidly depleting time resources. The main mistake is assuming that the company is ready for this without preparation, and that merely having formally prepared documentation is enough. The main challenges are related to the fact that...
I never considered the relevance of such a problem and the need for assistance until 2022, when a company reached out against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine. After a one-day program, several shortcomings were discovered in the crisis management plan, which were relatively easy to fix. Among the shortcomings were unnecessary processes that needed to be discarded or simplified, as well as missing elements. Step by step, other organizations began to reach out for plan reviews and documentation improvements. As a result, three main solutions have been developed, which can be implemented either separately or as a unified, comprehensive project.
Development of BC process documentation guidelines.
The organization outlines its situation, provides all the necessary information, based on which practical and easy-to-use BC situation documentation is developed. If needed, the organization can request lawyers to formalize it as an internal regulatory document. The preparation of the documentation takes up to one month.
Testing the existing BC documentation with a theoretical situation simulation.
Review of existing documentation with a theoretical situation simulation, primarily using WG and TDG methods. In simple terms, training scenarios are developed, which are theoretically simulated in one or more locations to gain the necessary experience and insights. At the beginning of the program, the simulation occurs slowly, carefully following the documentation, while by the end of the program, the process is executed in real time. In most cases, this process takes one working day and the presence of the specific team members.
Testing the existing BC documentation with a practical situation simulation.
This process is recommended only if the company already has high-quality documentation that has, at a minimum, been tested with theoretical methods in at least three different situations. This is the most complex but also the most effective process. The process lasts one day, divided into two phases: a practical situation simulation, followed by process analysis, gathering insights, and improving the documentation.
Nauris is one of the few specialists offering programs in this field, combining crisis management team operation algorithms with High Performance Team algorithms. His experience includes the full operational cycle, from documentation development to practical situation simulations across various industries (e.g., construction, transportation, logistics, leisure, etc.). The documentation development process is usually carried out in collaboration with one of the company's qualified specialists, while the development of the situations to be simulated remains confidential until the event day. Nauris is focused on the company’s interests and ensuring effective operational processes, rather than merely filling out the formalities required by services, which are sometimes crucial but at other times bureaucratic. Nauris has several years of experience in leading teams in high-intensity conditions, developing and testing various plans.